Tuesday, 1 April 2014

No you are not better than anyone else, you just got lucky.

 Have you ever met a judgemental Christian? They are my pet hate. They seriously annoy me. I just think if someone judges others then they are not exactly acting like Jesus. Jesus helped prostitutes. He helped criminals. It was the Pharisees that he left well alone. They were the ones who killed him.

I think one mistake it is easy to make is to think that all Non-Christian things are Non-Christian.

Take music for example. Of course worship music is Christian but so are other songs. I can only get Radio 1 in the shower and at first I was annoyed. Then I started listening. Of course 'I just had sex' or 'S & M' aren't exactly holy in nature. But try listening to other songs and you will find the majority seem full of Christian messages.

Take films. I went to see Noah yesterday and that has been called blasphemous by Muslims. So yes maybe fallen angels aren't stuck in rock. Maybe they aren't meant to be visible, but it sure was refreshing that angels were feared in a film. The film started with Bible verses. It took you through the range of emotions the Bible does. It filled you with respect for God's mighty power. When I walked out that film I was in shock. It was so religious and that is what the people I went with commented on. No one expected, especially with the reviews, for it to feel like you had just stepped into the bible. So it might be Hollywood but go and see it.

You can't protect yourself by hiding away. That isn't what God wants. You can't spend your life thinking of yourself as better as saved. That is arrogance. You are not.God is what's is better and the only way to spread his word is to get out there and show your kindness, show that you don't judge. People aren't going to come to God if Christians don't seem relatable and in touch. I think that is a very important thing.

We may live in a world full of sin. We may have porn. We may have plastic surgery. We may have hunting. Noah depicts this and so does the media around us. But the majority of people live a Christian life even without God. They do not kill. They try not to be jealous. They don't cheat. Quite a few probably sin less than us. So no we are not better. We should not hide away from temptation. We have been blessed with God's presence so we are lucky. But he has sent us to show his love to the world. Not by forcing it down people's throats or telling people they are going to hell. But by loving our neighbour and helping the world to not live in sin.

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